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Featured Panelist: "Your Health is Your Wealth"

On March 26, 2016, the Urban League of Broward County Young Professionals Network hosted their first annual, "Your Health is Your Wealth" Lunch & Learn.

This event included a panel of experts from the field of health and wellness covering various practice areas such as family medicine, internal medicine, public health, nutrition, mental health, and more.

Coach Debbie was a featured panelist and speaker. She served as an advocate for mental health and her message helped bring positive awareness while decreasing negative stigma.

"Your life and self-care matters... Just as you would see your doctor for a physical concern such as diabetes, high cholesterol, or even cancer" says Coach Debbie, "your mental health needs critical care and attention as well.

Coach Debbie went on to highlight that your mental health may be affected due to:

* Predisposed biological matter and epigenetics

* Chemical imbalance in the brain and body

* Environment or Circumstantial

* ACEs or Adverse Childhood Experiences

When either of the above conditions exist and are associated with a significant increase in any of the following risks- unmanageable suffering, pain, disability, anhedonia or an important loss of freedom, you need to seek care from your counselor.

"Mental Health is Brain Health" says Coach Debbie, "We need to let go of our false superhuman ego and be honest with ourselves when emotional pain becomes too much to bare... When our minds aren't well, we are not well. We are not healing by keeping silent. No exceptions or excuses."

The panel also addressed issues concerning spirituality, cultural norms, and mental health. Coach Debbie empowered the audience by dispelling myths around mental health and ones faith.

"Prayer is important" encourages Coach Debbie, "But your journey to wholeness does not stop there... Just as God created teachers to educate, Counselors and Life Coaches are here to help support you in resolving emotional trauma, career stress, family conflicts, and other life matters. Mental Health is real and it is time for the church to create services that give hope- not condemnation to those struggling with mental health."

After the panel, Debbie met with guests and gave each person a free health kit which included a DVD, tote bag, user guide, and other great wellness items from the CDC and National Diabetes Association. This free health kit can be used to help make a wellness plan with family, friends, colleagues, or a church group. To request your free health kit or to have Coach Debbie speak at your church, organization, or upcoming event, connect here:

Lunch and Learn: "Your Health is Your Wealth" panelists pictured from left to right include:

Dr. Venessa Walker, Chiropractor; Santra Denis, MPH, Community Health; Dr. Nicole Nicophene, Family Medicine; Coach Debbie Motivates, Women's Wellness Coach; and Dr. Edwiygh Franck, Nutritionist

Lunch and Learn: "Your Health is Your Wealth" panelists pictured with the Executive Board of the Urban League of Broward County Young Professionals Network Members

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