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Debbie Meditates

Thank you!

July was National Minority Mental Health Month. Thank you for meditating and chatting with Coach Debbie to bring awareness to mental health.

In 2008, the U.S. House of Representatives in honor of Bebe Moore Campbell designated July as National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. To read more about Bebe Moore Campbell, please visit the National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month website:

Let's keep motivating for positive change. Share these facts about African American Mental Health with your family friends, and community:

  • African Americans in the United States are less likely to receive accurate diagnoses than their Caucasian counterparts.

  • Culture biases against mental health professionals and health care professionals in general prevent many African Americans from accessing care due to prior experiences with historical misdiagnoses, inadequate treatment and a lack of cultural under standing; only 2 percent of psychiatrists, 2 percent of psychologists and 4 percent of social workers in the United States are African American.

  • Mental illness is frequently stigmatized and misunderstood in the African American community. African Americans are much more likely to seek help though their primary care doctors as opposed to accessing specialty care.

  • African Americans tend to rely on family, religious and social communities for emotional support rather than turning to health care professionals, even though this may at times be necessary. The health care providers they seek may not be aware of this important aspect of person life.

  • Programs in African American communities sponsored by respected institutions, such as churches and local community groups can increase awareness of mental health issues and resources and decrease the related stigma. Programs like this as seen below at which Coach Debbie volunteered to provide free community resources and education on mental health at a local churches Health & Wellness Fair:

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