You can use this practice to work with difficult emotions or body sensations
Find a posture that's comfortable to you
And then check inside your body and try to locate a part of your body that feels good to you right now
Pleasant, safe, at ease,
Or at the very least, neutral
You can check out your hands or feet or legs
But let your attention go to this pleasant part of your body
Hands or feet or wherever you've chosen
And let your attention rest there
Feel it
Sense it
Notice what those sensations are
Let your mind relax a bit
Feeling that part of the body
And now if there's something challenging that's happening for you
A difficult emotion, or a physical sensation that's hard
Let your attention go to that
So it may be an aching in your shoulder or back
Or a headache
Or it could be a sense of sadness
Or anxiety
Or anger
Where do you feel that sensation in your body
Where do you feel that emotion in your body
Notice it
Just notice it for one moment
Tap into it
Feel it
Make sure to breathe
And now return your attention back down to that area that feels at ease
Your hands or feet or legs
And just let yourself stay there for a moment
Feeling it sensing it
Relaxing. maintaining the mindfulness
Yet giving yourself a break from what could be potentially overwhelming to feel
And now once again return your attention to that part of the body that feels unpleasant
The body ache or pain
Or the emotion the sensations of the emotion in your body
The vibrations in your chest
Or the clenching in your belly